Our Team - Cobe Consultants

>>Our Team

Michael G. Hadjiroussos


Michael is a strong believer in effective leadership and taking a hands-on approach to management. He has a desire to help companies be the best they can be because then the industry as a whole can grow resulting in overall standards improving and reaching excellence…

He has a detailed understanding of the philosophies, strategies, processes and techniques in the management of excellence in technology-based organisations and projects. He has a talent for training and motivating people to be system thinkers, to work efficiently and to be focused on providing a high level of services. With key leadership, management and technology skills he is able to advise clients on developing customer-focused products and processes. He is also knowledgeable in asset and resource management and 6 sigma.


Stavros Tsinarelis


Stavros is an associate of the company. Integrity and common sense characterize him, as well as taking initiatives and being reliable and consistent in his work. Above all, he is a team player, understanding that in this interconnected world in which we live, no man is an island.

He has currently established his own private legal practice, after having gained considerable work experience as a lawyer at a large legal office in Nicosia. He is the exclusive legal advisor of a Cyprus-based company specializing in electromechanical installations and trading and serves as athletic judge for the Cyprus Amateur Football Federation. He has attended a wide variety of seminars ranging from practical aspects of IT law, to family business issues, as well as health and safety matters in the construction industry.

Stavros graduated with an L.L.B. in Law from the Democritus University of Thrace and passed his Cyprus bar examination.



Dr. Michael J. Hadjiroussos


Dr. Michael J. Hadjiroussos currently is a director at the Center of Business Excellence. Previously he was the General Manager of the Electromechanical Services of Cyprus.

Through his career he has implemented a large number of projects all over Cyprus. Furthermore he has an extensive knowledge and experience of the legislations that concern the Cypriot Industry (Petroleum Directives, Low Voltage Directive, Machinery Directive etc.). His experience and knowledge are valuable assets for our organization.



We are a full service quality consulting firm specializing in the establishment, implementation and improvement of quality management systems, quality auditing and training. We provide the necessary information, data and solutions that will assist any organisation improve its profitability and efficiency through the implementation of an effective quality management system.

We provide a cost effective solution to your needs. Our team is well placed to coach your firm to reach and exceed the quality standards required for your particular operation. In addition we have a broad range of partners we cooperate with.

We have had considerable hands-on experience working with a number of clients in a wide variety of industries, including aviation, manufacturing, banking, electronics, electrical and mechanical, education, staffing and professional societies. These companies have ranged in size from very small to very large and from single site to multiple locations.

We collaborate with only the most reputable registrars to ensure that our clients acquire the proper national and international certification for their industry and that they are able to assist our clients to continually improve their quality management system and their organisational effectiveness.