
An Integrated Management System (IMS) is a single system incorporating the requirements of two or more auditable standards. Our consultancy firm provides on-site consultancy for any combination which includes at least two of the following standards:

  • ISO 9001 (Quality)
  • ISO 14001 (Environmental)
  • OHSAS 18001 (Health & Safety)

The consultants of the Center of Business Excellence have a time proven four-phase System Implementation Procedure which has guided a large number of companies through the implementation and development of an Integrated Management System as follows:

4PhasesPhase 1: Gap Analysis

We identify the gap between the standard’s requirements and the current condition of the organization. This is achieved by collecting information about the current practices used within the existing management system and by comparing them with the requirements of the standard to see whether they are satisfied or not.

Phase 2: Design and Development

The consultant and the client draw up the framework for the design and development of the system. To be more specific in this phase the middle and top management team are educated on the requirements of the standard. Then with the guidance of our consultants the management defines the scope of the management system, the organization’s policy, the objectives/goals and the structure. Once this is clear the consultants proceed with the development of the updated Management System.

Phase 3: Implement and Improve

We run the Management System, monitor it, measure it and review it with the intention to collect information to confirm that it runs smoothly. Also in this phase all the activities and their updates are presented to the employees and they are trained so as to conform with the updated system. Any required changes are carried out in order to ensure smooth operations.

Phase 4: Assessment and Review

A management review and internal audit are held, followed by an external audit. To be more specific in phase 4, we work alongside top and middle management and we are focused on the effectiveness and the efficiency of the management system. This is achieved through the internal audit and the management review where we review and address the processes and the organization performance (this includes any resistance to the system and/or embedding desired culture and behavior changes).Also we identify further opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the management system. Once these actions are completed we proceed with the external audit the third party certification.